
BEST ATHENS Πρόσκληση για τη συμμετοχή φοιτητών στη διημερίδα ??Προετοιμασία σύγχρονων μηχανικών με προοπτικές για το μέλλον

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Πρόσκληση Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος για επικουρικό διδακτικό έργο στα μαθήματα της Σχολή Ναυπηγών Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών σύμφωνα με το ωρολόγιο πρόγραμμα για το εαρινό εξάμηνο του ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2018-2019.

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Friday, 15 Μαρτίου 2019 - Ανακοινώσεις Προπτυχιακών

Ενημερώνουμε τους φοιτητές ότι το μάθημα «Συμπεριφορά Πλοίου σε Κυματισμούς και Εφαρμογές» του 8 ου εξαμήνου, πραγματοποιείται κάθε Παρασκευή στις 10.45-12.30 στην μικρή αίθουσα του 2 ου ορόφου του κτιρίου ΑΝΥΜ. Όσοι φοιτητές έχουν δηλώσει το μάθημα και επιθυμούν να το παρακολουθήσουν παρακαλούνται να έρθουν σε επικοινωνία με τον διδάσκοντα κ. Γ. Γρηγορόπουλο. ΑΠΟ ΤΗ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΑ

Thursday, 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2019 - Γενικές Ανακοινώσεις

InnoBlueGrowth organized the BlueGrowth mid-term conference to gather and to encourage the Mediterranean Regional Business Community for living a "Blue Economy: The Blue Way of Life".

The Conference's purpose was to reflect on the sustainable dimension of Blue Growth, whether it will be in terms of development, mitigation of issues, planning, or governance. The sessions aimed to put into perspective the results of all Blue Growth thematic projects for a general peer reviewing from all participants and discuss about the Blue Economy. In addition, it was an occasion to present Blue Growth projects including the presentation of their main activities, goals and services, providing information on development and opportunities to all Blue Growth Community.

The Conference gathered experts and key players from the Mediterranean region, encompassing the public and private sector, international organizations and also the academia and the civil society. Valuable discussions around the topics of business development and sustainability from a social, environmental and economic perspective were generated, in a favorable environment for networking and the development of synergies among projects and participants. This gathering?s purpose was to reflect on issues such as public engagement and awareness raising, market development, sustainability and clusters in the blue growth context. The discussions contributed to draw the attention of external multilevel stakeholders as opinion leaders, decision-makers, and institutional bodies, funding entities, experts and researchers, aiming at all governance levels for better impacts in the development and implementation of the blue economy.

During the conference, the blue growth community came to reflect on the definition of a "blue way of life," allying personal and professional views. The "blue way of life" was mainly described as a need to protect, respect and enjoy/use the sea and the resources it has to offer. From a professional perspective, one could say that the blue way of life relates to working on policy making, law enforcement, cooperation, stakeholder engagement, always considering the economic, social and environmental dimension of sustainability.

The first day, began with the session on the "Transition towards a sustainable future". Among main contributions, the Union for the Mediterranean highlighted the need to motivate different economic sectors and governments to invest in the blue economy. Thus, Miguel Garc?a-Herraiz, Deputy Secretary General for Water & Environment from the UfM talked about "the importance to take care of the sustainability and health of the Mediterranean Sea along with working for the peace, social and prosperity of the region, also by creating new employment opportunities". In this context, Paul Tourret presented the main economic dynamics of the blue economy in the Mediterranean (e.g. ports and maritime companies' activities) and explained how smart technologies are helping to reduce the pressures that affect the Mediterranean and improve its sustainability.

The next session on "Governance and Cooperation models: tools for innovation and integrated global sustainability", gathered different presentations from thematic projects. This session tackled different issues such as best practices in terms of sustainability within the yachting sector in 9 Mediterranean countries (iBlue), explained the advantage of grouping national actors into clusters in order to identify and exploit blue technologies (Proteus) and presented the main themes of blue growth involving public-research industry actors (Mistral), among others.

Finally, during the last session of the first day, "Support for a sustainable blue economy through the internationalization of clusters in the Mediterranean", speakers presented blue economy actions from different perspectives: from a national maritime strategy, to a community of green entrepreneurs behaving as a platform that reacts to environmental issues, to a local cluster acting as an integration tool for the development of a sustainable blue economy, highlighting the potentialities of clusters in the Mediterranean. The day successfully ended on contributions from the participants, stating that "Sea is the development. It is a great development opportunity especially for marine countries and islands".

During the second day, the sessions tackled key matters as awareness raising, mitigating pressures and the involvement of younger generations, as well as how transnational cooperation in the Mediterranean is a key issue for integrated actions towards Blue Growth. The role of younger generations in the sustainable development of the blue economy was discussed in a panel involving the Mediterranean Youth for Water network and the president of the ASCAME training and education commission. During this panel, the importance of integrating young people, students and professionals, into decision-making and the need to support to the development of blue entrepreneurship were highlighted.

"Blue Growth is not only the direct jobs that you find in the sea. It is also land and sea interactions, [and] we have a lot of services depending on the activities at sea. For this, we have to look at all aspects to better to coordinate for new or the upgrade of skills" stated Mr. Stefano Malatesta, from Milano "Bicocca" University.

The event counted on the participation of Mr. Christos Economou, Head of Unit at the European Commission?s Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, who described the state of EU current strategies in the Mediterranean region related to the blue economy, and stated that "the Mediterranean Sea offers challenges and opportunities in the field of technology, tourism, innovation and aquaculture, and all of them are important for development in a closed sea." A true coordination and cooperation are therefore necessary to avoid conflicts of uses and respect the surrounding environment to the best possible extent. Mrs. Maria Groueva from the Interreg-Med Programme Joint Secretariat and Mrs. Adela Franja from the Interreg-ADRION Programme Joint Secretariat followed the discussions, announced the launch of the third call for Interreg MED 2014-2020 projects and the state of current calls for ADRION.

Lastly, the Mid-Term Conference was the occasion to present the latest developments on the different blue growth modular and integrated projects part of this Community: iBlue, MAESTRALE, PELAGOS, Proteus, 4Helix+ and MISTRAL. Their presentations outlined their goals and the progress achieved to date, displaying how they have been contributing to the development of the blue economy. The representatives of the different projects exposed their implementation processes, also demonstrating how they are supporting global sustainability (economic, social, environmental), introducing their innovative tools, methodologies, and deliverables applied to clusters, the yachting, blue renewable energies, and maritime surveillance sectors. This session allowed to enhance the dissemination of information not only on development of project results but principally on blue economy opportunities to the whole Blue Growth Community. For more information, please contact innobluegrowth@gmail.com

Friday, 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2019 - Γενικές Ανακοινώσεις

Δωδεκανησιακό Ίδρυμα Υποτροφιών - Υποτροφίες

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Το Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο έχει την τιμή να σας προσκαλέσει στο Θερινό Σχολείο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, Ιστορίας και Πολιτισμού (Corfu Summer School) που θα διεξαχθεί από τη 1 έως τις 14 Ιουλίου 2019 στην όμορφη Κέρκυρα!

Αποτέλεσμα σύμπραξης τριών Τμημάτων του Πανεπιστημίου μας (του Τμήματος Ιστορίας, του Τμήματος Ξένων Γλωσσών, Μετάφρασης και Διερμηνείας και του Τμήματος Μουσικών Σπουδών), το πρόγραμμα του Θερινού Σχολείου περιλαμβάνει μαθήματα γλώσσας, ιστορίας και πολιτισμού, ξεναγήσεις σε πολιτιστικά αξιοθέατα του νησιού, βιωματικές δράσεις ελληνικών χορών, τραγουδιών και μαγειρικής, και εκδρομές.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφτείτε την ιστοσελίδα μας εδώ, ή επικοινωνήστε απευθείας μαζί μας στο el-summerschool@ionio.gr.

Wednesday, 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2019 - Γενικές Ανακοινώσεις