Διατμηματικά Μεταπτυχιακά Προγράμματα Σπουδών

Master's Degree Programs offered at the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens

Name of postgraduate program (by instruction): SHIP AND MARINE TECHNOLOGY

Duration: 3 semesters (1 ½ year) beginning in September.

Number of students admitted per year: 40

Tuition language: English

Tuition fee: There is no tuition fee students who are nationals of EU countries. For the other international students there is a tuition fee of 500 euros per semester of study.

Contacts: Prof. K.J. Spyrou, Program's Director (k.spyrou@central.ntua.gr) and Ms. I. Kanta, Program's Secretary (secrmet@central.ntua.gr)

Study Guide:PDF Document.

Description: The following Schools of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA):

  • Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering;
  • Mechanical Engineering;
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering;
  • Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering;
  • Applied Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Civil Engineering;

the Physics Department of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), and the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR), offer jointly a Postgraduate Program (MSc) in Ship and Marine Technology. The Program is administered by the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering of NTUA.

The Program's content accounts for 90 ECTS credits and leads to the award of a Postgraduate Specialization Diploma that is equivalent to a Master of Science degree. It is arranged in three (3) academic semesters of full-time study, beginning in September. To graduate, a student should successfully attend 12 taught courses and also write and defend a thesis. The maximum allowed duration of study is 2 years. Graduates of this Program are welcomed to apply for admission to a program of doctoral study at any of the collaborating Schools. At the time of his application, a student should indicate his preference for one (or more) of the following three areas of specialization offered in the Program:

a) Maritime Technology
b) Marine Structures and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons
c) Marine Environment and Renewable Energy Resources

The Program is open to graduates of Greek Universities and of recognized foreign universities which offer degrees equivalent to those of NTUA, in accordance with the provisions of the Greek Law 4957/2022. In particular, applications are welcomed from NΤUA and other engineering graduates, as well as from graduates of Physics, Mathematics and related subjects. Interested final-year university students expecting to graduate by September 2023 are also encouraged to apply. For admission, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  • overall grade of undergraduate degree (it should be higher than 6/10 as considered in Greek universities; or equivalent)
  • ranking of the degree grade compared to other graduates in the same Faculty and academic year
  • performance in relevant undergraduate courses attended
  • grade and topic of undergraduate diploma thesis
  • proficiency in foreign languages (especially English)
  • research and professional activities
  • published scientific work
  • possession of any other postgraduate degree
  • letters of recommendation.

The Program Committee may invite applicants for an interview and/or examination. Applicants who are provisionally accepted must meet specific minimum knowledge background requirements. To address any possible knowledge gaps, for certain provisionally accepted applicants the Program Committee may request the attendance of selected undergraduate courses offered by the collaborating Schools. The maximum number of admitted students, following their positive evaluation by the Program Committee, is 40. The Postgraduate Specialization Program in Ship and Marine Technology participates in the internationalization of postgraduate studies project of NTUA entitled "Support for Actions of Internationalization of Higher Education", financed by the European Social Fund and belonging to the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF). The main aim of the project is to facilitate the participation of students from abroad. Interested individuals must submit their application online to the email address app_dpms@naval.ntua.gr of the Graduate Studies Office of the School. For the 2023 intake, the applicant should submit a pdf file named SURNAME_NAME_2023.pdf including the following documents in the specified order:

  • Application for Admission to the Postgraduate Program in Ship and Marine Technology (DPMS APPLICATION 2023-2024). Link
  • Copies* of the obtained undergraduate degree(s) and a formal document indicating the candidate's ranking in relation to other graduates of the same year.
  • University transcripts with the detailed scores of all attended undergraduate courses and the overall grade (the latter is not required if the applicant is a final-year student).
  • Comprehensive curriculum vitae containing information on the candidate's education, research and/or professional activities,
  • Proof of knowledge of English and of any other language.

Two (2) letters of recommendation should be sent directly by their writers, via email, to app_dpms@naval.ntua.gr.