Γενικές Ανακοινώσεις
Ecole Centrale Nantes, France is recruiting for a senior scientist permanent position in Ocean Engineering (hydrodynamics). The recruitment will follow the same procedure as for an associate professor. The evaluation of the applications will be done by a scientific committee during the second half of October, so applications should be sent before October 16th. We are interested in either a naval engineering profile or a ocean engineering profile (floating wind and renewable energy) The initial target is someone with 5-10 years' experience but an excellent junior profile will also be considered, PhD is mandatory. The job description is attached for details. Benjamin Bouscasse - head of IIHNE research group LHEEA - Ecole Centrale Nantes - https://lheea.ec-nantes.fr/ Email: benjamin.bouscasse@ec-nantes.fr

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